SchoolSeed Foundation Acquires Kindred Place, Strengthens Community Focus

Memphis, TN – In a significant development for the local community, SchoolSeed Foundation has acquired Kindred Place, effective July 1, 2024. Under the new arrangement, Kindred Place will fall under the governance and management structure of SchoolSeed Foundation. Vincent J. McCaskill, the CEO of SchoolSeed, has hired Dr. Sharon Griffin as the Executive Director of Kindred Place. This move aims to bolster community services with a renewed focus on family and child support.

Dr. Sharon Griffin brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her new role. She holds a doctorate in Education from the University of Memphis and has served in various educational leadership roles, including the Chief of Schools for Shelby County Schools. Her impact extends to the state level, where she served as the Assistant Commissioner of School Turnaround and Chief of the Achievement School District for the Tennessee Department of Education. Griffin's background in education and her commitment to child and family welfare make her an ideal leader for Kindred Place, which provides critical services such as parent training, family counseling, and child trauma prevention counseling.

Vincent J. McCaskill, CEO of SchoolSeed, has a distinguished background in financial management, community development, and public service. He earned his MPS (Master of Public Service) from the distinguished President Bill Clinton School of Public Service at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. McCaskill has an extensive history of community service in the Memphis metropolitan area, where he has been instrumental in various initiatives aimed at improving education, reducing poverty, and enhancing community resources. His leadership has been pivotal in SchoolSeed Foundation's success in raising and managing over $250 million over the past 15 years, establishing a strong financial foundation for the organization.

The dissolution of the Kindred Place board marks a new chapter for the organization. SchoolSeed's management team is set to re-establish and expand services to the community, driven by McCaskill’s vision of strengthening families to build stronger communities. "The work to strengthen our communities begins with strengthening families. Stronger families result in stronger schools, a stronger city, and a stronger community at every level," McCaskill said.

Kindred Place has a long-standing reputation for providing essential services to families, including parent training, family counseling, and child trauma prevention counseling. With the support of SchoolSeed Foundation, these services will be expanded and enhanced to meet the growing needs of the community. The integration of Kindred Place into SchoolSeed Foundation promises to enhance the reach and impact of both organizations, fostering a more robust support system for families in Memphis.

SchoolSeed Foundation has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to financial management and transparency. Over the past 15 years, the foundation has successfully raised and managed over $250 million, supporting various educational and community initiatives. This strong financial track record will ensure that Kindred Place continues to thrive under its new management, providing vital services to families in need.

Dr. Sharon Griffin’s appointment as Executive Director of Kindred Place is expected to bring renewed energy and focus to the organization. Her extensive experience in educational leadership at both the local and state levels, combined with her passion for supporting children and families, will be invaluable as she leads Kindred Place into its next chapter.

As SchoolSeed Foundation takes the helm, the community can expect a seamless transition and a continued commitment to excellence in service delivery. The partnership between SchoolSeed and Kindred Place represents a significant step forward in strengthening the fabric of the community, ensuring that families have access to the resources and support they need to thrive.