Residents care about quality education, and public schools are the cornerstone of our communities. SchoolSeed believes effective community support is necessary to provide the best educational opportunities for our youth. We work with individuals, community groups and businesses to ensure children will be provided with the high-quality education they deserve.

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Construction Underway on $9 Million Herbert STEM Center at Whitehaven High School


Memphis, TN — Construction has officially begun on the much-anticipated Jim Herber...

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Memphis Shelby County Schools Board of Commissioners Takes Leadership in Securing Private Funding for Fall Academy Serving 800+ Students

Memphis, TN — October 4, 2024 — Memphis Shelby County Schools (MSCS) Board o...

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Dr. Sharon Griffin Meets with Parents as Kindred Place Develops Universal Parent Training Center

Dr. Sharon Griffin, Executive Director of Program Implementation at Kindred Place, met with paren...

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Record-Breaking Golf Tournament Boosts Efforts to Restore Kindred Place


The Exchange Club of Greater Memphis recently hosted its annual golf tournament, wit...

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