Record-Breaking Golf Tournament Boosts Efforts to Restore Kindred Place


The Exchange Club of Greater Memphis recently hosted its annual golf tournament, with proceeds benefiting SchoolSeed's Kindred Place. The event attracted the largest turnout in its history, drawing dozens of players and community supporters together for a day of friendly competition and philanthropy. Funds raised from the tournament will go directly toward helping Kindred Place reopen its doors and resume its vital work of providing trauma-informed counseling and support services for children and families across Memphis.

Kindred Place, a beloved institution in Memphis, has been a cornerstone in the fight against child abuse and family trauma for years. Its services were temporarily paused in early 2024 due to financial difficulties, but thanks to the support of the Exchange Club and other partners, the process of restoration is well underway. SchoolSeed acquired Kindred Place on July 1, 2024 to begin the restoration effort.  The funds raised at this year’s tournament will be used to complete critical building renovations, hire licensed therapists, and prepare Kindred Place for its relaunch later this year.

"This event was truly remarkable, not just because of the turnout but because of what it represents—a community rallying behind an organization that has always been there for families in crisis," said Vincent J. McCaskill, President and CEO of SchoolSeed Foundation. "We are deeply grateful to the Exchange Club of Greater Memphis for their unwavering support. With their help, we are one step closer to bringing Kindred Place back as a safe haven for those who need it most."

While the tournament marked a significant milestone in the efforts to restore Kindred Place, McCaskill emphasized that the journey is far from over. The organization is continuing to seek donations and community support to ensure that when the doors reopen, the facility will be fully equipped to meet the growing needs of Memphis families. Those interested in contributing to the effort can do so through SchoolSeed’s ongoing fundraising campaign.