Privacy Policy

At SchoolSeed Foundation, we are committed to protecting the privacy of the individuals who participate in and benefit from our programs and initiatives. We understand that personal information is sensitive, and we are committed to collecting, using, and sharing personal information in a responsible and transparent manner.

In support of this commitment, we will:

  • Collect and use personal information only for the purposes for which it was provided, or as required or permitted by law.
  • Use reasonable safeguards to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.
  • Share personal information with third parties only as required or permitted by law, or with the individual's consent.
  • Provide individuals with access to their personal information upon request, and allow them to correct any errors or inaccuracies.
  • Regularly assess and evaluate our privacy practices to ensure that we are meeting our privacy commitments.


We believe that by protecting the privacy of individuals, we can build trust and confidence in our programs and initiatives and create a more vibrant and thriving community.