Dr. Sharon Griffin Meets with Parents as Kindred Place Develops Universal Parent Training Center

Dr. Sharon Griffin, Executive Director of Program Implementation at Kindred Place, met with parents to discuss the development of a new universal parent training center at the facility. This initiative is part of Kindred Place's comprehensive therapeutic counseling and support services aimed at empowering families and strengthening parent-child relationships. The center will offer training programs focused on positive parenting strategies, effective communication, and fostering healthy emotional development in children.

During the meeting, Dr. Griffin emphasized the importance of equipping parents with the tools they need to support their children's mental and emotional well-being. "Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding roles in life, and our goal at Kindred Place is to ensure every parent feels empowered and confident in their ability to guide their children. This training center will provide parents with practical skills and resources to create nurturing environments where children can thrive," said Dr. Griffin.

Kindred Place, known for its longstanding commitment to child abuse prevention and family trauma counseling, paused its operations in March 2024 due to financial difficulties. However, on July 1, 2024, SchoolSeed Foundation acquired the organization, bringing it under its umbrella to restore and enhance its services. Since then, Kindred Place has been working to reopen and expand its offerings, with the universal parent training center being one of the key new initiatives.

As Kindred Place moves toward reopening, the parent training center will play a critical role in the broader mission of supporting families throughout Memphis. The initiative is a part of the facility’s efforts to provide holistic therapeutic services, addressing both the mental health of children and the critical role of parents in their development.